Sponsor :   USDOE Office of Fossil Energy (FE)

Publication Date :   June 27, 2021

Abstract Summary :   The primary objective of this project was to develop and demonstrate an integrated pilot-scale circuitry for recovering high-value rare earth elements (REEs) from coal and coal byproducts. The target performance was to produce a mixed REE product with content of at least two percent by weight on a dry mass basis in a cost-effective and environmentally benign manner. During the first nine months of the project period (Phase 2 Budget Period 2), pilot plant construction was completed including all field site startup activities such as permitting, engineering design, procurement/bidding, unit fabrication, site construction, equipment installation, module assembly, safety training, and circuit shakedown. During the remaining 21 months of project period (Phase 2 Budget Period 3), detailed field-testing activities were performed including feedstock sample collection and preparation, exploratory testing, circuit modification, detailed parametric study, and performance optimization. A detailed techno-economic analysis was performed based on the pilot plant testing findings which provided various scenarios for REE production. The project successfully accomplished the proposed target performance by producing mixed rare earth oxide (REO) with greater than 90% purity by weight in a continuous pilot scale operation from two distinctly different coarse refuse materials (i.e., West Kentucky No. 13 and Fire Clay coal seams), and at least three secondary sources (i.e., heap leach process and naturally formed acid mine drainage system). Project partners included the University of Kentucky, Virginia Tech, West Virginia University, Alliance Coal, Blackhawk Mining, Mineral Refining Company, and Mineral Separation Technologies. The pilot scale test facility was constructed at a former mining complex owned by Alliance Natural Resource Partners (Alliance Coal). The site was rehabilitated to accommodate the equipment installation, construction and fabrication, electrical power requirement, water line management and containment. The process units constructed and installed included X-ray sorting unit, crushing and grinding unit, physical separation unit, acid leaching unit, solvent extraction unit, and wastewater management unit...